Mentoring and Coaching                  

At Recovery 2 Restoration, we truly believe that marriage is more than just a contract; it's a beautiful commitment to be there for each other through life's ups and downs. We wholeheartedly believe in the enduring power of marriage and that it is a lifelong journey.

Recovery2Restoration was created to bring health and wholeness to every kind of marriage: Marriages that have experienced infidelity or unhealthy sexual behaviors, marriages that are on the brink of divorce, marriages that need new life breathed into them, good marriages that want to be great, as well as pre-marital coaching for couples that want to avoid all the pitfalls of marriage.

Our comprehensive marriage program will allow you to experience the marriage you always dreamed of. We are here to support you every step of the way.

Recovery 2 Restoration

Mentoring Program

'For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'  Jeremiah 29:11

Marriage Reboot

The “ MARRIED for a PURPOSE” Marriage REBOOT Retreat.

Every person wants the best for their marriage. However, most people do not know how to improve their marriage. That’s exactly what we do through the Marriage Reboot Retreat. We help couples discover each other again and provide the framework in which each couple learns how to improve their unique and specifically designed marriage!

The Marriage Reboot Retreat is a private 2-day intensive. You and your spouse will work exclusively with us, your marriage coaches, to identify where you have been, define where you are currently, and discover where you want to go together. The process moves you into further clarity and breakthroughs in each aspect of your Marriage (Personal, Marriage & Family, Career & Calling, Faith, Finances, Health, Lifestyle, and Community). This Reboot Retreat is designed for a wide variety of marriages. Whether you are in crisis and are on the brink of divorce, a struggling marriage that needs a unified vision, a complacent marriage that needs a boost, or a good marriage that wants to become great. Your marriage will be invigorated and energized with actionable goals and a clear vision. You’ll be equipped with “next steps” and will begin creating the life you were designed to live.

The Marriage Reboot Retreat also includes:

-Six Follow-up Private Coaching calls

- One year of on-demand video marriage lessons

-Monthly conversations and teachings with the founders of The Marriage Reboot Retreat Syste

Couples Coaching

Couple’s Coaching Experience

Are you craving a deeper connection with your spouse? Has your relationship lost its spark, leaving you longing for the joy and excitement you once had? Are you longing for more intimacy in your marriage? If so, we are here to support you. Our services are tailored to help couples reignite their bond, reenergize their connection, and rediscover their shared life goals.

Our Couples Coaching Experience is a subject-specific experience, designed exclusively for your marital needs. We meet with our couples privately, on a weekly basis, to help them connect, grow, heal, and communicate in new and powerful ways. Through this incredible experience, you will discover how to effectively achieve the happy, healthy marriage you always envisioned.

Premarital Coaching

Premarital Coaching Experience

Preparing for a secure and passionate marriage is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. There are a million things to consider, from big questions like: Where will we live? How will we spend or save our money? Do we want a large family, a small family, or no children at all? To smaller questions like: Which side of the family do we spend Christmas with? All are important decisions that could potentially derail a marriage.

We offer couples a personalized marriage roadmap designed exclusively for you using the Save Your Marriage Before It Starts (SYMBIS) assessment with follow-up personal Premarital Coaching sessions tailored specifically for your relationship.

For the Husband

Recovery2Restoration is a Christian based program that helps men who are struggling with unhealthy sexual behaviors.

Recovery2Restoration offers a 7-step process to help you achieve freedom from those struggles. This is not a quick fix solution; it takes time, courage and persistence to recover from unhealthy sexual behaviors. But the results are worth it! You can learn how to live a healthy life free of shame and guilt caused by uncontrolled or compulsive sexual thoughts and behavior.  However, that is not the end of the story. 

Many people in recovery from addiction or trauma make the mistake of thinking the goal is their sobriety or freedom from trauma reactions. But it’s not. God has more for you.

Your recovery is just the beginning of a Hero’s Journey that can lead you to living a joyous redemptive life spent helping others. How? By letting God use your story for His glory.

The discovery of your husband’s unhealthy sexual behaviors has left you ravished, confused and afraid. Your heart is broken and you feel completely uncertain about the future. Everything you thought you knew about your husband and your marriage is now under question. It is hard to make sense of it all and your head is spinning. You feel like the rug has just been brutally yanked from under you.

I know exactly how you are feeling, because I have felt those same feelings too.

I want you know that there is help and hope available for you.

Recovery2Restoration was created with you in mind. It is a safe place for you to find answers for yourself and your future. Through our guided time together, using an incredible Christ-centered curriculum, you will find the hope and healing you so desperately long for. What you are experiencing today can become simply a page in the beautiful story that God wants to write about your life.

YOU DID NOT CHOOSE to be in this place, BUT YOU CAN CHOOSE to find your way forward from this place AND I CAN HELP.

For the Wife

We are pleased to offer groups to help couples improve, grow, and heal their marriages:

Healing and Recovery groups are designed to address the recovery, restoration, and healing each person needs, individually, when the marriage has been impacted by unhealthy sexual behavior.

Grow Groups are couple-focused and are specifically designed to improve specific troubled areas of marriages that are experiencing challenging circumstances.

We Offer Groups


  • Conferences
  • Workshops
  • Retreats
  • Seminars


    No Travel Required

    We’re committed to providing our clients with high-quality service at an affordable price. We offer a variety of services to meet your needs.

    We offer one-on-one or group mentoring and coaching online or by telephone.  By special request, we can offer these services in person.


    Meet Your Coaches

    John and Machelle have been married for 40 years. They are the parents of 4 and the grandparents of 12. John and Machelle served as senior Pastors and Church Planters for over 20 years.

    Machelle is passionate about helping women navigate the stages and changes of marriage. She specializes in helping marriages that are simply stuck in a rut to marriages that have experienced betrayal and infidelity. Machelle’s personal marital journey, Marital Coaching training, Pre-Martial Facilitator training, and her extensive Betrayal Trauma training have uniquely positioned her to compassionately walk alongside wives who want to experience all the joys of a healthy, loving marriage.

    Machelle is a Certified Marriage Coach, Certified Save Your Marriage Before It Starts (SYMBIS) Facilitator, Certified Professional Betrayal Trauma Mentor, Certified Christian Sex Addiction Peer Facilitator, Certified Betrayal Trauma Group Leader, and is trained in the APSATS Multidimensional Partner Trauma Model.

    John believes every marriage should thrive, not just survive. John has overcome Sexual Addiction and has witnessed God’s redemptive power in the healing and restoration of his marriage. He is passionate about seeing marriages and lives transformed. He is not only committed to helping men overcome unhealthy sexual behaviors but he is also committed to seeing their marriages healed from every kind of pain. His goal is to help couples experience restoration in their own lives as well as in their marriages.

    John has a degree in Church Management, is a Certified Marriage Coach, Certified Save Your Marriage Before It Starts (SYBMIS) Facilitator, Certified Pastoral Sexual Addiction Professional, Certified Professional Mentor, Pure Desire Certified Group Leader, Celebrate Recovery Group Leader, and a Certified John Maxwell Leadership Coach and Speaker.

    John and Machelle started their ministry, Recovery2Restoration Mentoring and Coaching, to help individuals, couples, and ministry leaders experience the grace and freedom they have experienced and to see marriages thrive, not just survive.

    I was in the battle of my life against sexual addiction and pornography.  My addiction caused me to push away the people I loved most, including my pregnant wife.  I knew I needed help, but I didn't even know where to start looking. I began attending Celebrate Recovery in an attempt to fight my addiction, which is where I met John.  I had weekly meetings with John, during which he would ask me what I was learning through my successes and failures.  He helped me to navigate my journey, making sure to keep Christ at the center.  I learned I had to accept God's forgiveness and not remain in shame.  This was one of many breakthroughs in my recovery.  My wife also met with Machelle during our separation. Machelle helped her realize she needed healing in her life from the pain I caused her and helped get her connected with a group. With John's guidance I am blessed to say I have been sober for the last year and a half.  My wife and I are also reconciled and we recently welcomed our second child into the world.  I do not know where I would be in my recovery without John and I am forever grateful for his mentorship.         
     -Joh H

    Machelle Wall, or 'Auntie Machelle' as I affectionately call her, was not shy about her testimony and her healing journey through marital betrayal when we met. So, when I was faced with my own betrayal, my world turned upside down; she was the angel that God sent to lead me out of the darkness of betrayal into the light of healing. I'm not sure what I expected, I guess I thought she would just listen and sympathize with me but she went above and beyond. Machelle Wall held my story with delicacy, listened with no judgment, she offered wisdom and discernment when I was blinded by grief.  She continued to check up on me, never letting me fall into the trap of avoidance or defeat. I wouldn't be where I am today without her generous and loving ministry to me. I highly recommend her to anyone who is seeking healing from marital betrayal. 



    I was in a bad place. My struggles with sexual addiction had been exposed and my marriage was on the brink of falling apart. I reached out to John. Over the next two years, I received prayer, wisdom, counseling, knowledge, and support. God used John to walk me through one of the most difficult times in my life. By the grace of God my marriage is now stronger than it has ever been!! Thank you, John, for being the hands and feet of Jesus to me.

    - Jamie (A Grateful Believer of our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ) 

    1530 W. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33436